What is HCG? is a common question. HCG is scientifically defined as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.
It is a natural accruing protein hormone that develops in the placenta during the first trimester of pregnancy shortly after conception.
This protein hormone is recognized as a peptide. Peptides are a class of hormones that are secreted into the blood stream and aide in the endocrine functions in living animals.
HCG is believed to help reset the hypothalamus by sending signals to begin breaking down and using abnormally high body fat as a primary fuel source.
These signals are believed to be sent when the body is experiencing a reduced and low calorie diet.
These signals are also believed to send a message out to conserve and maintain lean body mass. i.e.
Muscle mass.
Without HCG to assist you during a low calorie diet, your body will begin to deplete muscle.
Practitioner’s in this Field: Dr. George Muñoz M.D., Muriel Guigui P.A.-C