Inessa Freylekhman
Inessa Freylekhman is an international Feng Shui Expert, a Spiritual Psychologist, speaker and author. Her unique blend of Feng Shui and Spiritual Psychology has helped thousands attain more love, fulfillment, abundance and joy. She was born in L’vov, Ukraine.
After many years of practicing Feng Shui, Inessa became aware of the inherent connection between a person’s home and their mind. The appearance, design and lay-out of the home was often a reflection of deeper issues. In order to support her clients in receiving the greatest level of healing, she went on to study psychology and earned two master degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Counseling Psychology. These gave her the tools to work with people on all levels: emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.
Through her heightened insight and empathic strength, Inessa has a unique way of unearthing the hidden blocks in a person’s home and mind, and transforming them into areas for greater growth, healing and fulfillment.
Feng Shui combined with psychology helps to bridge the gaps between inner and outer lives since what happens inside can often be mirrored in our home/work environment. For more information about her services, please visit her at www.fengshuifromtheheart.com